
Fall 2015 - Spring 2016 school year

Class availability is a maximum of 10 children.

Children enrolling should turn the age of 3 before September 1 of the preschool year and must be potty trained, being able to use the restroom independently. (If your child is not quite ready by the time school starts, we maybe able to work him/her in when he/she is ready, depending on class size.)

Each student must submit a completed enrollment form accompanied with an enrollment fee. This fee is non-refundable─ guaranteeing your child’s place for the upcoming year.

($5.00 tuition discount for referrals)

Enrollment Fee:

Preschool (3-4 years):   $50.00 (non-refundable)
Pre-K (4-5 years):         $60.00 (non-refundable)

Enrollment Form:
Enrollment Form ---updated enrollment form coming soon

Please contact Mrs. Michelle McFarlane at (801) 558-2572 to set up a time to see the preschool room and to pick up the enrollment forms

You may also print the form from the link noted above, have the form emailed or mailed to you. *Please note the enrollment fee is due the time the enrollment form is received. 

Please feel free to call or email any questions, concerns, or enrollment requests to mich8ellemc@hotmail.com.